Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Music: New Streaming WebApp from Noon Pacific

If you've never heard of Noon Pacific, go check it out now. It's basically a music collection site that will scour the inter-webs looking for really awesome music, put it on a an 8tracks playlist and send it to your inbox every Monday at Noon, PST.

These folks decided to take it one step further and not just hand you the music, but let you in on the discovery as well. UpBeat is a new streaming service that functions based on user submitted content and up voting. The music get's organized into a few simple genres and then sorted based on popularity or recency. You then create your own music queue to listen to, or you can even click "Play All".
It's a fantastic way to find new music and share it with the web at large. In some ways, it feels a little like reddit, but not as "back alley".

You can favorite songs,  follow links to Sound Cloud, and even purchase the songs off Amazon. All this wrapped up in a very attractive U.I. makes Upbeat a fresh addition to the multitude of music listening services out there. It's definitely something different, so go ahead and give it a try.

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